
您所在的位置:网站首页 分发 英语短语 初中英语八年级下册重点短语和句型总结(可下载打印)


2024-07-15 21:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


  Unit 1

  ❋ Section A ❋

  have a cold / fever / nosebleed / stomachache / sore back / sore throat /

  heart problem

  感冒 / 发烧 / 流鼻血 / 胃痛 / 背疼 / 嗓子疼 / 有心脏病

  take breaks / take a break 休息

  right away 立即;马上

  lie down 躺下

  get into 陷入;参与

  get off 下车

  take one’s temperature 量体温

  to one’s surprise


  think twice 再三考虑

  put some medicine on the cut


  get an X-ray 做X光检查

  in the same way 以相同的方式

  agree to do sth. 同意做某事

  thanks to 多亏;由于

  in time 及时

  fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌

  ❋ Section B ❋

  be used to (doing) sth.


  take risks / take a risk 冒险

  run out (of sth.) 用完(某物)

  cut off 切除

  give up 放弃

  get out of 离开;从……出来

  be in control of 掌管;管理

  rest for a few days 休息几天

  get sunburned 晒伤

  get hit on the head 头部受到撞击

  have problems breathing 呼吸困难

  get hit by a ball 被球击中

  lose one’s life 失去生命

  between a rock and a hard place


  make a decision 做决定

  save one’s life 救某人的命

  Unit 2

  ❋ Section A ❋

  clean up 打扫(或清除)干净

  cheer up (使)变得更高兴;振奋起来

  give out 分发;散发

  put off 推迟

  come up with


  hand out 分发

  care for 照顾;非常喜欢

  call up 打电话给(某人);征召

  used to 曾经……;过去……

  try out 参加……选拔;试用

  help out (帮助……)分担工作;解决难题

  look of joy on one’s face


  at the age of ... 在……岁时

  go on a different journey


  by oneself 独自;单独

  give up 放弃

  a dream come true


  volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事

  at the same time 同时

  ❋ Section B ❋

  give away 赠送;捐赠

  take after (外貌或行为)像

  make a difference (to)


  fix up 修理;装饰

  be similar to 与……相像的、类似的

  answer the telephone 接电话

  at once 立刻;马上

  set up 建起;设立

  change my life 改变我的生活

  disabled people 残疾人

  be strong in 强项是……

  do the volunteer job 做志愿工作




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